Discover your strength, Transform your life


Strength & Conditioning in the heart of West Seattle

Schedule your No-Sweat Intro: Dive into a relaxed conversation with a coach to map out your goals, address concerns, and create a personalized plan

Delridge Strength: Where Fitness Meets Community, Cultivating Inclusivity Every Step of the Way

At the heart of West Seattle, Delridge Strength is more than just a gym; it's where your fitness goals become a reality, supported by a community that truly cares. We recognize the intricate dance of managing personal life and professional demands, and we are here to support you achieve your fitness goals every step of the way.

Start at Any Level

From beginners to athletes, our gym welcomes everyone. No experience necessary - we'll guide you every step of the way.

Judgment-Free Training

Experience a training environment free from judgment or intimidation. At our gym, we foster a culture of support and encouragement, where every member is valued.

Every BODY is Unique

Discover a personalized approach to fitness that celebrates your individuality. Our coaches will tailor your journey to suit your needs and goals



Schedule your No-Sweat Intro. It's a conversation about you - your goals, your needs, and how we can help you succeed.


Come in, tour the space, and meet with one of our coaches to build a personalized fitness plan tailored to your needs.


Now that you have a coach in your corner, it's time to get stronger, healthier, and happier while meeting new people and having fun.





Strength & Conditioning

Get stronger, fitter, and more resilient with our Strength & Conditioning program. Our workouts are designed to help you build functional strength, improve endurance, and feel more confident in your body.

Mobility Classes

Move better, feel better! Our Mobility program focuses on improving flexibility, reducing stiffness, and preventing injuries. Join us to unlock greater range of motion and enhance your overall mobility.

Open Gym Access

Enjoy the freedom to train on your own terms with our Open Gym Access. Whether you're following a specific program or just want to do your own thing, our facility is open for you to explore and make progress at your own pace.

Personal Training

Elevate your fitness journey with personalized support from our awesome coaches. With Personal Training, you'll receive customized workouts, tailored guidance, and the motivation you need to reach your goals faster and more effectively






I feel intimidated and have no experience. Do I have to be fit to join? How do you support beginners?

No, you don’t need to be fit to start your journey with us. At Delridge Strength, we welcome individuals of all fitness levels, especially beginners looking to take their first steps towards health and strength. Understanding the importance of a comfortable and supportive introduction to fitness, we’ve crafted our OnRamp program and the No-Sweat Intro (NSI) to ensure you start off on the right foot.

The NSI is a cornerstone of our approach to welcoming new members. It’s a relaxed, pressure-free conversation where you get to meet with a coach to discuss your goals, any apprehensions, and any specific needs you might have. This initial chat is crucial for setting you up for success; it helps us tailor your OnRamp experience to match your fitness level and personal goals. It ensures that when you begin, you do so with confidence, understanding, and a clear path forward. Alongside the OnRamp program, which introduces you to the basics of strength and conditioning in a friendly and non-intimidating environment, you'll find yourself gaining not just physical strength, but confidence as well.

Whether you’re entirely new to fitness or simply new to our strength and conditioning approach, these tailored introductions ensure that you’ll never feel out of place. You’ll start your journey surrounded by coaches and fellow beginners dedicated to mutual growth, support, and making everyone’s journey rewarding.

What if I can't commit to a regular schedule due to my busy life?

We understand that life can get hectic, which is why Delridge Strength offers flexible class schedules and membership options to fit your lifestyle. Our goal is to make fitness accessible and manageable, even for the busiest bees. Whether it's early morning sessions or evening classes, we strive to accommodate your needs so you can maintain your fitness journey without sacrificing your commitments elsewhere.

Are group classes my only option? Or can I receive more personalized attention?

While our group classes are a fantastic way to get fit and join our community, we also offer personal training for those seeking a more individual approach. Our coaches can tailor workouts to your specific goals, address any concerns, and provide one-on-one attention, ensuring you get the most out of your time at Delridge Strength. It’s the perfect solution for those who prefer a more customized fitness experience.

How often should I attend classes or personal training sessions to see results?

The frequency of your workouts will depend on your individual goals, fitness level, and schedule. However, we generally recommend starting with 2-3 sessions/classes per week to allow your body to adjust to the new routine while providing ample rest between sessions. As you become more comfortable and your fitness improves, you can gradually increase the frequency to meet your goals. Remember, consistency is key to seeing results, and our coaches are here to help you develop a plan that works best for you.

What if I have specific fitness goals or health concerns?

At Delridge Strength, we believe every fitness journey is unique, and we're committed to supporting yours with personalized attention. During your No-Sweat Intro (NSI), you'll have the opportunity to sit down with one of our coaches in a relaxed setting to discuss your specific fitness goals, any health concerns you may have, and how we can best support you in achieving your objectives. This initial conversation is crucial for us to understand your needs fully and allows us to recommend the most effective path forward.

Whether your goals involve weight loss, strength gains, improving general fitness, or addressing specific health concerns, our experienced coaches are here to create a tailored plan that respects your individual circumstances. This plan may involve customizing your experience in our group classes, suggesting personal training for more focused attention, or providing modifications to ensure your training is both safe and effective. We also continuously monitor your progress and are flexible in adjusting your plan as needed because your success and well-being are our top priorities.

Let’s talk about your ambitions and challenges during your NSI, and together, we'll chart a course that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. At Delridge Strength, we’re more than just a gym; we’re your partner in building a healthier, stronger you.


Schedule your free No-Sweat Intro today! You'll meet a coach for a low-key chat to discuss your goals, concerns, and learn more about how Delridge Strength can help you.



5050 Delridge Way SW, Seattle, WA 98106, USA

5050 Delridge Way SW

Seattle WA 98106

Questions? Text us!

(206) 672-2573

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